Providing qualified football officials in the Klamath Basin for over 30 years.
Welcome to KFFOA!
You have reached the website for Klamath Falls Football Officials Association, a local association chartered by the Oregon School Activities Association to provide certified football officials for Oregon youth and school-sanctioned football contests.
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2023 Season Kickoff Countdown!
KFFOA At A Glance
Klamath Falls Football Officials Association provides qualified football officials for local youth and school-sanctioned football contests. KFFOA is chartered by OSAA, and certifies officials at the registered, varsity, and playoff levels for OSAA-sanctioned football contests. For more information, click on "About Us" above.
Contact Us
Klamath Falls, Oregon
Email: mylescmaxey@gmail.com
Phone: (435) 754-5979
Registration: https://www.reftown.com/default.asp?Assoc=KFFA
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